You’re Just Not My Type

I love to watch people. Not in a crazy serial killer way, but people in general just interest me. I like to watch how they behave, how they react to situations, see what kinds of personalities they have.

Maybe I chose the wrong profession. Maybe I should have been a counselor or a therapist. Or maybe not. Maybe I have enough issues on my own. 🙂

I was in my neighborhood bar the other night and I was watching some of the customers. I was watching some of the guys and girls flirt with each other. Something that always intrigues me is seeing who’s interested in who. Not because I’m nosy, but because I think people have definite “types”. I used to think that I didn’t have a type, and maybe I didn’t for awhile, but I definitely do now. I also used to think that types were more about looks, like the old cliche’ “tall, dark, and handsome”. And maybe it does a little bit. I went through my tall, slender, and younger stage. For awhile there, I don’t think I dated or was really interested in someone unless they were five or six years younger than me.

Maybe because we shared the same goal. They were trying to find themselves and so was I.

I don’t think it’s about looks, I think it’s being attracted to someone who’s like you in some way. And as I think about my friends and their relationships, there’s a certain “sameness” that each couple has. It may be similar educational backgrounds, or similar levels of ambition or goals.

I’ve been interested in guys before, and have wondered why they weren’t interested in me. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I’m intelligent, kinda funny, and not too bad to look at.  But as I’ve gotten to know some of these guys, and have met the women they date, I realized that I’m simply not their type.

What is my type now?

Well, let’s survey the funnel. 🙂 Right now there are four guys in the funnel. One is new, he took the place of the guy I drained over the weekend for a lack of interest. 🙂

Looking at the three that have been in my funnel for awhile, they are all older, have their lives together, know who they are and want they want. Two of them own their own businesses. And (drum roll please……) all three seem to be emotionally available!

You can hold your applause until the end of the blog….

He he!

I guess my type really has changed. 🙂

For now, I’m off to enjoy a lazy Sunday after a hard night of work last night. 🙂

Here’s to finding our own types!


I’m out!

By the way, I’d like to say a special thank you to Sara for giving me my first ever blog award and my first blog link! For those of you who are fans of New Orleans, check out her blog!